
Acts 15:32 And Judas and Silas, being prophets also themselves, exhorted the brethren with many words, and confirmed them.

Exhortation is a complicated word because it can be used in more than one way. I chose this verse of scripture to make this point in particular. It can be a valuable tool in the Kingdom to encourage your brothers and sisters in Christ.

When you see a brother or sister in Christ doing right, no matter what it is in song, or prayer, or service, or speech; do you give thought to take on the role of a cheerleader? It seems silly to think that way, after all they are doing good, they are on the right path. Why do they need encouragement?

I’ve been serving as best I can for a long time. No one knows the struggles I’ve had in wondering if I am taking the right direction or if perhaps I’ve made a mistake. I tend to hide my doubts, trying to be positive. You will never see that, you would not know if I did not share these thoughts. All who serve have these moments, it is human, we are human. Knowing that Christ deserves our best will always leave us short of His example, no matter how hard we try.

Philippians 2:3 Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.

Esteeming is a mind set. It has nothing to do with one being better than another, it is having that “you first” attitude. You cannot be sincere in your exhortation without placing the needs of another before your own interests.

Thank you Mike Schlimgen for the inspiration for this devotional.

4 thoughts on “Exhort”

  1. Larry, I only found your site early this morning while reading the SRC FB page. I truly enjoyed “The Voice” blog. Well written and said.

    Thank You for hearing the voice to put down in writing what has been placed in your mind and your heart.

    Have a blessed and beautiful week.


  2. Proving once again how much we need one another and how important it is to actually voice things to each other. Thanks for the good word – exhort.

  3. Thank you dear brother for your faithful service to our Lord Jesus in serving us with everyday meditations–on several occasions, right on a need for me on the day. Your efforts and the Holy Spirit’s guidance make a winning combination. “And the Lord said unto him, well done thou good and faithful servant, enter thou into the JOY of thy Lord.” Matthew 25:14-23 –a crown for untiring service!!

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