
Hebrews 1:3a Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power,

I know I have truncated this verse but I did so to point to the expression of the person, Jesus Christ. We were talking yesterday about knowing the indwelling love of God. Today’s I would like to talk about expressing that love.

John 13:35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

This love Jesus is referring to here is the abiding love. A lost world does not have the indwelling love, cannot feel it, cannot know it, but can witness how love acts, how love expresses itself, by watching how we love one another. This is critical in our witness. If we cannot express this love towards one another who are all in the body of Christ, we look like hypocrites, and they will not be attracted to His love.

Imagine if you will that this indwelling love expression is like a foreign language. The sound of it is attractive. The expressions of the language are intriguing and a desire to know this language is expressed in a non-believer. If you look at placing faith in Jesus Christ as enrolling in the love language course, then you begin with the rudimentary elements of the language, structure, rules, context and form. It is a new language, it has to be learned.

All novice students make mistakes and the instructor, the Holy Spirit in this case, has to make corrections. The ability to express this love language comes thru a comprehensive understand of the express image of God, Jesus Christ. The better you know Christ in an intimate personal relationship, the better you can express His love language.

Knowing Him in truth and power unlocks the key to releasing His love thru our expression of that love.

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