Finding Favor

Exodus 33:13 Now therefore, if I have found favor in your sight, please show me now your ways, that I may know you in order to find favor in your sight. Consider too that this nation is your people.

Do me a favor is the most heard expression of favor. I want something, you can provide it, and I am asking it of you. This is not the expression of favor in Kingdom living.

Moses expresses here in Exodus 33 a better understanding of favor. Some translation use the word grace for favor and the definition of grace is unmerited favor. So allow me to expand on that in this issue of finding favor.

First consideration is that favor is an attitude and attention which is bestowed upon one who is unworthy and has done nothing to deserve God’s favor. We must understand favor from the viewpoint of our perfect God’s perfect love and any grace shown towards us is without harm, and it given to draw us closer to Him.

Moses expresses this in the way that God has already shown him favor and Moses desires to know more about God, His ways, His gracious intent, which is His will for us. The end of the verse is critical for understand the basic character of grace, to be extended to others. “This for Your people.”

The humanistic design of favor is selfish. Grace from the Father is anything but selfish. Its design is fruit bearing, it brings forth more of itself. Thinking of it in this way shows me that the tree does not consume its own fruit. Grace to me produces grace in me, which is extended to others.

This is why I say grace received is grace extended.

John 1:16 And of His fulness have all we received, and grace for grace.

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