Amos 7:14-15 English Standard Version
14 Then Amos answered and said to Amaziah, “I was no prophet, nor a prophet’s son, but I was a herdsman and a dresser of sycamore figs. 15 But the Lord took me from following the flock, and the Lord said to me, ‘Go, prophesy to my people Israel.’
Amos was sent by God in a time and a place where no one who served Israel was listening to the Lord. If we look for God’s grace in Amos it is not obvious to others who do not understand God’s plan.
Amos is a gracious gift to us that live now and can see we do not have to be special to be used to serve our Lord. How else would we know that God works in us even if we do not see it?
I often thank God to have been born in this generation rather than in the time of Amos and now have such a great cloud of witnesses around me that have treated me so graciously when I was broken and in need of tenderness, not judgment.
My first church experience began with tears on my part. I knew I was broken and trying desperately to find my way in a land I did not know. As the newest citizen of His Kingdom I knew nothing except I didn’t belong. I sat under some of the best teachers in any church and I learned so much. Thanks be to God for that but I only had one in that church who listened to me with a heart of grace and concern for me and my growth.
That church became a place of comfort and protection and then the one who was gracious to me left after the death of his son. I struggled once again, feeling alone and unwanted. It was about this time the Lord said “Go.” I resisted for a time until a prophet from England came and spoke at that church. It was through that prophet that the Lord made it obvious to me that I was to “Go to a place I will show you.”
My next five years were spent serving a dying wife. It was during those days that I learned what it meant to be needed and how to be faithful to do what was needed. I went from being selfish to being selfless. I did not find another church until after her death.
Then I sat under a young pastor that had the deepest understanding of the Word I had ever heard. His teachings were light in a dark place. I stayed there for a year and left because that pastor had not one ounce of grace in his life. I realized the need for grace overshadowed knowledge.
My next church was full of grace and became my home.