Genesis 3:9 English Standard Version (ESV) But the Lord God called to the man and said to him, “Where are you?”
My wife will sometimes say “hello” when my mind is deep in thoughts that do not include her.
That does not mean I do not love her. It does not mean we are not together because we will often be sitting on the couch together when it happens.
My heart is with her but my mind is busy elsewhere. Sometimes my mind is fixed on Jesus, His Word and I am pondering something in my heart. Neither does that mean I am following Jesus.
Those that went searching for Jesus in John 6 had reasons for doing so. At no time did I read the words “follow me”. This is one of those things that has to be seen in context to have a proper understanding of our relationship with Christ.
The Lord invited everyone to “eat of this bread”. That was an invitation, not a command. He does not command those that are not betrothed to Him by faith. At that particular time Jesus had not been crucified, had not risen, had not ascended, nor had the Holy Spirit been given.
It was only an invitation. What was to come was for a future date, like the time and date of a wedding invitation. It is just an invitation and we must show up at the right time and place in order to show we have accepted the invitation.
“Hello!!” Is it time for you to accept His invitation?
Has anyone presented you with the invitation? How would anyone know about this invitation unless someone told them about it? So if this is the first time you have ever heard this invitation to believe in Christ by faith and accept His offer of salvation, then here it is.
Christ has died as an atonement for all our sin before Father God, He is the acceptable sacrifice for sin. There is nothing you need to do to find favor with God except to believe that Christ died for our sins.
He rose from the grace to prove God has power over death and that eternal life begins with believing in Jesus Christ. That is just the beginning.
He ascended to the right hand of the throne of God and all things have been placed under His authority. He reigns from on high but has sent the Holy Spirit to speak all that He says to those of us who accept Him as Lord.
Then He commands us.