
John 8:46b And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me?

I find some people believe that the truth can be found in many places. None of them seem to act on those so called truths. They will not even give me a list of the more important truths. The conversations end as soon as I ask them what those truths do for you. Truth after all is only knowledge and it is what you do with the knowledge that matters. Right?

If you have bought into a lie and your whole life is living that lie, then what does the truth, real truth, sound like? It sounds like I have to give up everything I believe and everything I’ve ever gained because of my beliefs. This thought is a convincing thought, it is not a convicting thought. If you see the truth as giving up something, your first instinct is to ignore the truth because you are not convinced. There is no value in change.

If however, the truth is viewed as gaining something of value, providing something you lack but desire, then you will listen. That does not mean you believe. It only means you are listening. What does the truth offer which provides a positive result which you do not have? Don’t think about loss, think about gain.

How about love, joy, peace, gentleness, goodness, and faith? Do these things sound desirable? Are you missing any of them from you current life? These are some of the things to be gained by believing on Jesus Christ. Are you listening?

What if I told you that there is one more gift to be gain which is far more valuable than all these gifts combined? If I told you that Truth would be given, would you want to know the Truth?

John13:16a Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth:

The truth is the third person of God, the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth. Believe on Jesus Christ and He will come and abide in you. That is the truth, are you going to ignore it? You have so much to gain. Don’t listen to the lie which is trying to tell you that you will have to give up everything.

P.S. forgiveness and eternal life are there also, if you are interested.


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