
Proverbs 5:12-14 English Standard Version

12 and you say, “How I hated discipline, and my heart despised reproof!
13 I did not listen to the voice of my teachers or incline my ear to my instructors.
14 I am at the brink of utter ruin in the assembled congregation.”

It is hard to admit we are responsible for our own feelings of insecurity. They are after all our emotions.

A favored theologian wrote a book called “Security of the Believer”. Being interested in my own security I bought the book and read it cover to cover. It contained line upon line and precept upon precept of scripture, an endless stream of scripture. It did not help me with my own insecurity.

The theologian believed that all the answers to all of our problems are in the bible. While he was right, what he didn’t contain in his book was instructions on how to extract help from the scriptures alone separate from a shepherd. Teacher is only one aspect of the gifts of service and not the answer to every problem.

I cut my finger and my eye cannot help me type. It is the other fingers that help my wounded finger.

It is often the ones who are closest to us in maturity that can relate to our feelings where the mature in Christ are decades removed from dealing with our problems even if they suffered the same maladies.

Empathy helps with insecurity because the basic emotion of insecurity is loneliness. We feel like we are alone in this battle of the mind. We are not and it takes time in order to extract the help we need directly from scripture. In our infancy we are still learning how to hear the Holy Spirit.

In our maturity we tend to forget the struggle of the initiate to find themselves and know where they are in the family of God.

The infant wants to run but will stumble before they learn to control their bodies.

Emotions are no different.

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