
Leviticus 4:28a Or if his sin, which he hath sinned, come to his knowledge:

In yesterday’s devotional I quoted scripture with a short list of things we should not leave undone. When reading the list, did you breath a sigh of relief because you had those items covered? That’s the funny thing about lists; they are always incomplete. Lists don’t cover everything.

When you go shopping, you make a list of things you want and leave off those things which you cannot afford. If you were to make a list of sins, would you approach the task in the same manner? Forget the list, it will always be incomplete, no matter how long you make it.

Sin is sin when you know it. That doesn’t come from knowledge or experience, it comes from conviction by the Holy Spirit. Perhaps as you read that list yesterday, you saw that it was incomplete as you added your own.

Love is much more demanding than the law. It is also more forgiving. God’s love, which He imparted in you, will ask you to do things the law doesn’t list. No list ever conceived can cover all the acts of love which God ask us to perform. We are His servants, His children, His ministers of reconciliation. His love is boundless.

Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

While this is yet another list, it does not and cannot contain all the acts of love in which the fruit of the spirit is involved. Only God can tell you what to do with that love. No list, just love.


2 thoughts on “Lists”

  1. I loved your remark that “love is much more demanding than the law, also more forgiving”. A real heart-warming post this morning. Thank you, Larry.

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