Psalm 19:14 English Standard Version (ESV) Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.
Is there a difference between pondering and meditation? Those that know will say yes. Those who do not know need Godly wisdom. What can’t it be simple? That is for the innocent. Since we have lost our innocence things get complicated. The important point here is acceptance. We want to please our Lord, our rock, our redeemer. Do we live our lives as if that were of paramount importance?
The words of our mouths are let loose into the world and have influence for either good or evil. If that were not true we would remain silent.
Psalm 4:4 English Standard Version (ESV) Be angry, and do not sin; ponder in your own hearts on your beds, and be silent. Selah
There is that word Selah again indicating something substantial has been said and should give us pause. Those who are silent are willing to hear the truth that stirs within. Our hearts are not alone in those of us that have accepted Jesus Christ. Acceptance begins with hearing the truth and then obedience. It is not enough to know truth, we must act upon it.
When to speak and what to say in Kingdom living comes from the abiding life of Christ and doing that is as easy as letting go. How easy is it to let go of our opinion? How easy is it to let go of our fear? How easy is it to let go of our resentment? All these and more interfere with His Glory shining forth.
Letting go and letting God is so simple and yet we are reluctant to give up control. Obedience of faith implies there is something we need to do. Obedience of faith is the opportunity for God to do His will through us if we trust Him to do in us what we cannot do ourselves.