Ephesians 4:16 From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.
Don’t we all want to belong to something meaningful? I believe we do or else the whole idea of a fan base is totally wrong. Stadiums are filled with people who want to be part of something meaningful. Fans spend enormous amounts of energy, time and money encouraging their favorite sports franchises.
Why should the body of Christ be any different? In the area of energy, time and money spent it is not that much different. Where it is different is in that you are on the field of play within the body of Christ. You are not on the sidelines cheering, you are an important part of the body.
The one thing I hear more often than anything else within our local church body is this; what are my gifts and how do I use them? I appreciate that honesty much more than the new guy who shows up and announces he is a teacher. The truth within the body of Christ is that we do not decide our part. We first have to submit ourselves to Christ, then to one another.
Newcomers need to submit to the administrations of the church they are willing to join. The church has a responsibility to receive and include newcomers. My part, my role, my gifts, were identified by the members of which I opened myself up to discovery. When they got to know who I am, they made room for me, they revealed to me my gifts, talents and my place within the body.
I have often said the placing of a puzzle piece is determined by the surrounding pieces, in which we are fitted, jointly together, by He who made us and shaped us and placed His image upon us.
Excellent! God placed the gifts in the body as He chose (1 Corinthians 12). Thanks for this really good posting.