On Board

1 Kings 10:2 And she came to Jerusalem with a very great train, with camels that bare spices, and very much gold, and precious stones: and when she was come to Solomon, she communed with him of all that was in her heart.

Yesterday I ended my devotional with the question, are you in Christ. My use of today’s passage indicates a train, not of the modern type but given the same meaning. It is a method of transportation from where you were to where you desire to be.

At each stop of a train the conductor calls out “all aboard.” It is an invitation to all. In context to being in Christ as I witnessed yesterday, are you “on board.” Are you on the Jesus train? Yes, great, do you have your ticket?

Getting on the train is possible even if you do not have a ticket, just as with modern trains. When the conductor comes by to check, you may buy a ticket after you get on the train. If you refuse to buy a ticket the conductor will see you off at the next stop.

At this point some will start to question my train of thought. “I thought salvation was a free gift?” The answer is yes but the Jesus Train isn’t the Salvation Train. One is not said to be in salvation, one is in Christ. You may look at the tracks upon which the train moves as salvation but the tracks are not the train.

Do you really want to walk the tracks or ride the train? Walking the tracks is self-effort and you will wear yourself out long before you get to the end of the line. If you should make it to the next station and find some rest and come to your senses, perhaps when the next Jesus Train comes by, you might consider getting on board.

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