
Romans 14:23 And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin.

I am about to say something that is uncomfortable to almost everyone. If you will hear me out, let me explain, perhaps you will understand why I think this way about sin.

Anything and everything I do that is not in obedience to faith is sin. I do not expect you to view sin in the same way, but allow me to explain why I take this hard line on sin.

John 8:46a Which of you convinceth me of sin?

Over the years I have engaged many people about sin. Almost all of those conversations contain one sentence which resonates true throughout time, history and the hearts of all mankind. “Who are you to judge me?” If you say God has defined sin, then you will find revisionist that disagree about what the bible says about sin. If you disagree you will only be met with resistance and at some point you will part company frustrated and at risk of losing your peace.

My viewpoint puts us all on equal footing. We all have sin and on that point regardless of what you think is sin, it will make us equally guilty of something. At some point in this conversation, hopefully, someone will ask; “How do you deal with sin?” My answer is simple, “I don’t have to.”

Jesus Christ has dealt with sin at the cross, once and for all time, for all mankind. God has provided the Lamb who takes away the sins of the world. Yours mine, everyone, believers and unbelievers alike. He will judge because He bore all sin for all of us. We are either guilty for shedding His blood or we have remission of sins by faith in Him. It is for our sins He died. So I do not get to judge you or myself. It isn’t for me to judge. So this is my foundation for dealing with sin.

How I live with this knowledge is simple. Strive to obey the only two commandments Jesus gave us in discipleship. Love God and love one another. Sure you will miss the mark occasionally, after all you are human. The intent of the heart to love will guide you much better in your walk than trying to tip toe around sin.

If the Holy Spirit convicts you of what you are doing, obey. He is God and is loving you. “As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.” Rev. 3:19


Luke 18:11 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.

I don’t watch reality television. I see the ads and I just don’t see the attraction. Watching others opening themselves up to ridicule doesn’t make sense to me. It does not make me happier to see others being silly about how they live life. Some actually flaunt their sins before viewers and that mystifies me to no end.

I think about the Pharisee from Luke 8 when I see these ads. It is a form of deflection; see I’m not that bad. But I am bad, I am a sinner. My forgiveness is not based on other people’s sins. I have to confess my sins in order to find forgiveness.

Do people really feel better about themselves by watching the train wreck that is other people’s lives? Well I am confused if they do. If I am laying in an emergency room with a broken leg, I won’t get relief by watching the guy in the bed beside me writhe in pain. We both need a shot.

People do all kinds of things to make themselves feel better don’t they? None of the application of pain relievers last. Eventually you feel the pain again. The only cure for inner turmoil is forgiveness for your own condition.

James 5:16a Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.


Daily Christian Devotionals