Personal Comment by Larry Perry
I’ve have been writing these blogs for five years now. It began at the bequest of my loving wife. I had written part time to fill in for the church’s devotional writer and took some joy in helping out. I’ve always journaled, so this became an extension of that. I have had some positive feedback but I do not continue this effort for praise. I now feel more led by the Lord than ever.
Towards the end of last year, beginning with the names of God, the Lord has been leading me to follow a new line of writing. Because my blog reaches places line China, Russia, Indonesia, India, and there may be a fair amount of new believers seeking God, I have felt the need to place things plain and simple. My personal preferences are for the mysteries and deep meanings. I love words, origins, translations, and all the possible connections that effort makes in revealing God’s design, personality, and character.
This new effort might seem unnecessary to some of my more mature readers and I understand that, but this isn’t about us. It has to be about the lost and seeking. I am so far removed from my own salvation moment, with so many wondrous miracles of God on my behalf, I had lost touch with how it felt to be in dire need of salvation.
God made it easy for me. He doesn’t always make it easy and we should all be mindful of those who have just now entered into the Kingdom and what that might feel like for them. If during these days to come you find yourself restless with the repetitive nature of instruction in righteousness please at least pray that things you know and have seen might enrich this experience for those just now entering into the kingdom.
Tomorrow I will return to task, obedience of faith and what the Lord would have said.