
Matthew 13:23

As for what was sown on good soil, this is the one who hears the word and understands it. He indeed bears fruit and yields, in one case a hundredfold, in another sixty, and in another thirty.”

The one who produces 100 is no better than the one who produces 60 or 30. We can only accept that if we understand that the results of our productivity are in line with God’s will.

We do not control God’s will, we can only be obedient to His calling and leave the results up to Him.

In the world we are trained to be competitive and strive to win. There are no medals for participation. Our crowns have already been established and when we get them, we will lay them at our Savior’s feet. Revelation 4:10

Abundant love does that to us, we want to respond with as much appreciation as we feel for what His love, grace and mercy has done for us. Perhaps that is why the differing production results from Matthew 13:23, He has done more for some of us than others.

Wasn’t dying for our sins enough? Sure, but some of us have messier sins than others. Some of us lived that life longer than others. Some of us feel the guilt of that life more than others.

Luke 7:47

Therefore I tell you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven—for she loved much. But he who is forgiven little, loves little.”

Do we measure our love for Him in that way? Do we feel guilty for not loving Him as much as the next believer? May I remind those who have experienced failed marriages that some failed for just that reason. Marriage isn’t a contest and this marriage to Christ is not a contest either.

Since Christ died to free us from the bonds of sin, why attach guilt to this relationship in any form?

Putting it another way, let us realize that obedience of faith is done one command at a time.

We do not get to choose what is asked of us and we are not allowed to make up commands based on our level of guilty feelings.

This life of faith is not a public service announcement pleading for thirty-five cents a day.

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