
1 Thessalonians 4:17 English Standard Version (ESV) Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord.

Allow me to make this one point very clear, this is my personal opinion and only carries as much weight as my personal relationship with individuals will allow. It is my opinion and not of any pastor, teacher or theologian.

The etymology of the word rapture is Medieval Latin. There is an inherent danger in things coming out of that era, error. The letter was written in Greek and caught up in Greek is harpazo and its primary definition is to seize, carry off by force. I consider this as an act of my Lord who sits on the throne taking what is His, when He wants, and without explanation. He answers to no one.

The reason I am leery to breach this subject is directly related to the secular definition of rapture. According to Merriam Webster it is an expression or manifestation of ecstasy or passion. The subject of this willful act of God stirs up such passion within the church community as to cause us to lose focus on our calling.

Whenever we allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by our emotions we endanger ourselves of losing focus on God’s will, His purpose for us in the moment and the spreading of emotions rather than God’s agape love.

There are way too many unanswered question surrounding this coming event to know of a certainty the time and method of this event. This subject has been hashed over and over for hours, days and weeks to no consensus except to say, God’s will be done.

What are we ignoring that should be done while we waste time examining an event we might not even be alive to see happen? The answer to that is God’s will in this moment. Stop reading this and seek God’s will.

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