
Hebrews 12:2 looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

Remember how we got here.

This all began so long ago no one has the memory of its beginning. This life of faith did not begin with Abraham who has been credited with being the father of faith to three religions.

It began with Jesus. He told John that He was in the beginning, creating everything. Just how much faith did it take for Him to descend to earth and become the Son of Man? More faith than I have, I can tell you that.

If I had that kind of faith I would not cling so desperately to my phone and computer that allows me to read the bible and search His Word for His messages to me. He dwells within me and that is enough to live this life of faith.

But I am not perfected yet and I am hampered by this body that fails me in strength, endurance, sight and soundness. Paul talked about his thorn in the fletch, I hear you Paul, I hear you.

I am so grateful that I know with all the faith that I do have, I am not the man I once was in the flesh. I am a new creation and I do not remotely resemble the man I was. Thinking back to my first step of faith I can honestly say I did not know what I was doing. 

I said, “I don’t want to be like this any more.” Instantly one thing changed, not because I decided but because God heard my prayer, such as it was, and showed me His sovereign power over my flesh.

That was my founder but He wasn’t through with me. Slowly, all too slowly, He became the perfecter of my faith. Even today decades later He still is at work working out what dwells in me, His faithfulness, His righteousness, and His Holiness. I am what I am thanks to Him, and not something I have done for myself.

And now I am saddled with this enormous task of trying to show the lost that they too can have this life changing experience. If they want it.

There are none so lost as to think that they do not have to change. They are proud of what they are with a savior who makes all the difference in this life of faith.

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