Psalm 119:6 Then shall I not be ashamed, when I have respect unto all thy commandments.
When you do not respect the Word of God you will not find relief in it. People do what makes them feel good and if you disrespect the Word all that is meant for your good as a blessing is withheld. Instinctively we know we have not respected the Word because we carry our shame.
Disrespect allows for the alternative thought to enter in, “ye shall not surely die”, right Eve? That is the obvious but the enemy is much more subtle than that these days. “You misread it.” “You haven’t taken everything into account.” “It is too complicated for you to understand by yourself.” “That can be interpreted so many ways.”
Getting back on topic of why we do not hear God, let me offer another excuse.
Matthew 4:24b those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatic, …
We are afraid of hearing voices lest some might think us insane. Granted that the actions of some have only increased that fear because of the evil they have done “at God’s instruction”. No one said you have to publicly admit you have heard voices. All we ask is that you confirm with trusted advisors that what you have heard truly is the Lord. “Prophesy is of no private interpretation.” God will speak to others if it is the Lord.
That is just some of the reasons we do not hear God. There is one reasonable question left that I have not asked or answered. Here it is.
“If I read the bible and believe the bible and act on His commandments, why do I need to hear God?”
Fair question, I will endeavor to answer that tomorrow.
As per a phrase in a song my daughter Amy wrote years ago,
“Lord, no noise but Your voice…”
and Lord, we do want to hear You.