Romans 11:33 O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!
From the moment I surrendered to God’s rule, Christ’s Lordship, I have immersed myself into His Word. Because my early years were not formed in knowing Him and His ways, I had much to learn. He took my dedication to study and changed me in ways I cannot express but give Him all praise in doing so.
I do it daily and have done so faithfully with a few minor exceptions due to serious health issues accompanied by hospitalization. I learned painfully that knowledge puffs up. I often found myself being chastised by God for my attitude.
The most difficult of all lessons learned was what to do and how to act when God went silent. I know that God does all things with purpose. I don’t always know exactly what those purposes are when He goes silent. Being who I am, it was time for a close examination of my heart condition, mental attitude, treatment of others and then finally settling in on my understanding of His Word.
1 Corinthians 2:16 For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? but we have the mind of Christ.
Sometimes I get presumptuous. Not always, but yes, I sometimes act like a know it all. Rather than listening carefully, I assume meaning without the Holy Spirit’s revelation. The hardest lesson for me has been in being right at the wrong time. God’s will does not rest upon me alone. I have fellowship. When and how to apply that which is revealed in me lacks the element of God’s perfect timing.
Sometimes His silence is nothing more than the example for me to keep my mouth shut. It is difficult for me to accept that because the echoes of my earthly father’s voice are heard there. “Shut up!”
When I’ve been in a period of testing, I’ve been asked to the point of being critically chastised; “What are you going to do about it?” “You have to do SOMETHING!” I have only to do what the Spirit tells me to do and to do more than that may be a failure of faith. It’s a trial of faith that requires persistence of belief that my Father has me in His hands. He hasn’t forgotten, ignored or stopped caring about me. He gave me His direction and He will tell me when and how there is any change as long as I abide in Him. If I decide to make a change without His direction, I am not abiding in Him and that would be my failure.
Very good Monty. As we learned in the Army follow the last order until new orders come in. Be about doing, what you were last told.