
Deuteronomy 4:12 And the Lord spake unto you out of the midst of the fire: ye heard the voice of the words, but saw no similitude; only ye heard a voice.

Much has been said about men and women who claim to hear the Lord. Almost all of it is an accusation of insanity. If they heard the Lord out of the midst of the fire themselves, would they think themselves insane? I belief the answer to that would be yes.

Man created graven images and worshipped them and they did not think that insane. Personally, I think that is insane, but I am not qualified to diagnosis a medical condition. I am however qualified to declare that my Lord is real, He does save, and that He does change lives.

I am a witness of these miracles and they are miracles. The scoffers proclaim that man can and does improve his own condition. I will not dispute that claim, but it is seen from a human perspective and not from God’s perspective. The difference between the two is that I did not change, I was changed only by God’s effort, and nothing that I had personally done. That is where the miracle part comes into play.

Now comes the most dangerous of questions which sounds much like the scoffers accusations. Are you changed by God or playing church? I know that there are some that do, I’ve seen it myself. This is not something I ask lightly and cannot answer for you. You have to search deep within your own heart to see if the Lord abides in you or if you see Him as a thing apart.

John 15:4a Abide in me, and I in you.

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