Matthew 19:14 English Standard Version (ESV) but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”
The imagery of teaching little children is one of a parent instructing their own children. They have had them since the day they were born and know them intimately better than anyone else. I get it.
Now accept that being born again happens at any age, 8 to 80 as they say. Do you instruct an 80 year old in the same way you instruct an 8 year old? If they are born again yes, because they are both newborns.
The work of presenting the gospel has already taken place and the seed planted has died to the ground and has brought forth new life in the Kingdom.
Kingdom dwelling is vastly different from living in the world. Both the 8 year old and the 80 year old begin on day one. They have no experience.
Which one is easier to teach? The 8 year old of course because they have fewer expectations, less experience in the world, less baggage that they brought with them.
The first lesson on day one should be on unpacking their bags and discarding anything that has no value in Kingdom living.
The 8 year old might have a small bag if any at all. The 80 year old however has decades of life to examine and evaluate. They may have packed some things away so long ago that they don’t remember them until the unpacking begins. They will also hold on to some things that are not needed because they just do not want to part with them.
The 8 year old will likely embrace Sunday school. They are in school at that tender age and will accept that there are things to be learned. The 80 year old might not be as receptive to the idea that they need to attend Sunday school. They heard the gospel in the congregation with others and they may want to remain in the congregation with everyone else. They will have a more difficult time accepting they are just a babe in Christ.