Exodus 3:5 (ESV) Then he said, “Do not come near; take your sandals off your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground.”
I came to this verse to prove a point. Then the Lord said, “Do not.” I became so overwhelmed by the symbolism hidden within just this one verse that I became paralyzed. I couldn’t move on with my own thoughts, my own agenda. That was my Lord’s point.
“Don’t come to me with an agenda.”
So what is the point to the symbolism? If I can see so much, what can you see? What is the Lord saying to you?
Let me address the most obvious first. Getting close to God, “Do not come near;”. Secondly obedience, “take your sandals off your feet”. Thirdly reverence, “you are standing is holy ground.”
Addressing these point, let us take them in reverse order. Moses stood on holy ground without even being aware of its significance. We come in ignorance.
Moses was told to take of his sandals. Aside from that symbolism, once again being ignorant of what that might mean, did Moses obey? Nothing in the scriptures indicate that Moses obeyed. Would you have obeyed? The only response noted in the scriptures at that moment was fear. Moses hid his face in fear.
Even if Moses did take off his sandals, did he get closer to God? There was no invitation to get closer to God as this point.
These are just three minor points from just one line of scripture. I saw more but I did not address them because my vision is not restricted to just this encounter. I have all of the word of God to draw upon.
John 14:26 (ESV) But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.
I didn’t get there on my own.