The Internet

James 1:12 Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.

The Lord’s prayer says lead us not into temptation and in truth God does not temp us nor does He intend for us to suffer temptation. In these last days the world surrounds us with temptation. Satan floods us with temptation in hopes of carrying us away.

The idea of being carried away is the exact opposite of enduring temptation. The Greek word of endureth here in James 1:12 is hypomenō which literally means remain. The idea is that temptation wants to take you someplace else. On the internet we call these hyperlinks.

Words and photos can be hyperlinks. Those words and photos are temptations, they do not always bear resemblance to the place they take you. You can find yourself on the wrong webpage because you clicked on that link by mistake. Granted some trusted webpages will not lead you astray.

Here on my blog I do not advertise. I pay for this space out of my own pocket. Larger, even good webpages, that provide a large range of service and support find it costly. To offset those costs, they will sell advertising space. More and more webpages sell space to offset costs. In that they cannot 100% guarantee that those links will keep you away from ads which begin by whetting your appetite.

To know you are in Christ and to remain in Christ is the only safe place, that solid rock, unshakeable, immoveable, constant and consistent, in whom there is no temptation.

If you do not know this temptation of which I speak, then praise God you do not participate on social media. That is no judgment for those of us who do, it is a warning about careless clicking.

One thought on “The Internet”

  1. Thank you for this faithful message this morning, Larry. I am reminded of a Sunday School song…..”oh, be careful little eyes what you see, for the Father up above is looking down in tender love, so be careful little eyes what you see.” The song repeats the warnings with the ears, the tongue, hands, and feet, etc. I have found with my Kindle that I use, I don’t even have to intentionally click on something, there are enough “pop-ups” to defile the mind. This message this morning follows your messages on the “armor of God”……the timing is excellent. Thank you for your faithfulness to our Lord Jesus and His family!

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