Travel Advisory

Ecclesiastes 4:13 Better was a poor and wise youth than an old and foolish king who no longer knew how to take advice.

During our sojourn on this earth we give and receive advice from sources we trust. None are so trusted and well informed than the Holy Spirit.

This morning’s reading says in my heart “I want to go there.” The Spirit says “No, don’t go there.”

So I ask why. His answer is simple, “Because it will not help the people I want to reach.”

So I will yield to my God and Savior and Comforter.

I have a trusted accountability partner in the Lord that is but a few years older than me but in walking with the Lord he is decades ahead of me. I submit my wandering thoughts to him from time to time when I am not sure if my message is going to help others in need. Both of us have a heart for those who could benefit from Godly wisdom. We want to help, not control.

Advice in the Spirit can take on two forms, solicited and unsolicited. I have asked my partner for solicited advice and here today, I am giving unsolicited advice to an unknown audience in the hopes that the Spirit will direct these words to those who need it.

What is our present destination? Is it a short distance or a great one? Will you walk, drive or fly? Will weather be a factor? Is there unrest in the cities you travel through? How prepared are you for the possibilities that might spoil your plans? What is the purpose of your journey? All these questions and more might require information to come from different sources.

Now for the unsolicited advice. Did you ask advice from the Spirit of Truth before you began making plans?

We have gotten used to making so many decisions in this world that it seems so unnecessary to bother God with the minutiae.

Isaiah 29:4 And you will be brought low; from the earth you shall speak, and from the dust your speech will be bowed down; your voice shall come from the ground like the voice of a ghost, and from the dust your speech shall whisper.

Are we prepared to deliver a message from our God in those little moments?

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