
Proverbs 20:18a Every purpose is established by counsel:

When it comes to Spiritual matters I trust in the Lord. He has proven Himself trustworthy. When it comes to earthly matters His Spiritual advice isn’t one to direct me in the way I should go but rather in dealing with my peace. It is the only sign I have in most cases dealing with non-spiritual matters.

Seeking counsel in this day and age can be confusing to say the least. Research on the internet is a common practice for gathering information about any subject. The problem is this, you can find any answer you are looking for if you ask the wrong question.

Who do I trust for sound counsel?

I begin with people I know, who have proven themselves to be trustworthy. If they do not know for sure what to do, they will not lead me in the wrong way and will make suggestions as what to try next. Many counsels may or may not render the best results. Sometimes the minority voice has the right answer.

In this busy life we have the one thing we find lacking is the time to spend with others developing multiple sound counsels. It seems difficult to get two people to meet once a week, much less three or four. In truth those who have demonstrated sound counsel are often sought out by many others.

This brings to the forefront of this devotional this very pointed question, how do we become sound counsel for others? If I said as before I begin with people I know, then making ourselves available is a prime attribute. The second point was trustworthy. All we can do is be sincere. Honesty is the leading edge of trustworthiness. If I don’t know, then I should not fake it, just to have an answer. More than anything else it takes consistency of character. When someone comes to us, we have to put aside our own personal agenda, our problems have to take the back seat.

Proverbs 13:10 Only by pride cometh contention: but with the well advised is wisdom.

Model your behavior after those who have counseled you well.

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