Ephesians 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
First let us be clear on this matter, if God has ordained that good work, it will happen. Does that mean we will always know, feel, or in any manner express that good work? Over the years I have heard this one resounding cry from my brothers and sisters in Christ. “I don’t think I am being used of God.”
Whenever I hear that I try and establish a closer relationship with that individual. It very well may be that God is using them and they are not aware of that good work. It is part of our relationship with the other members of the body of Christ to encourage them, with the truth. False praise is a lie and the work of our enemy.
So what is a good work? Perhaps the expectation of performance is tied directly to that understanding. We are all called to serve and any service in providing for the needs of your local church is a good work. We will often take new believers that express a desire to serve into an area of service that is needed and simple. New believers do not need complex task. The idea is to foster a feeling of success in service.
Is this the good work that the Lord has ordained? In some small part yes but as you read your bible you will soon learn that we are to grow in Christ. Growth is expansion. The more you realize who you are in Christ, the gifts given, the talents developed, and your place in the body, the more you will want to move on to using all that God has provided.
As a minimum for our new believers, we should monitor and exhort them as they grow.
Amen, dear brother. Good word!