
2 Peter 1:4a Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature,

Volumes of workers presented to us by those who have dedicated a life to serving God are available to us today. We do not even have to own a library full of rows upon rows of books containing those works, we have the internet now. Much of what has been written has been scanned into posterity for anyone to read. I personally have spent decades reading some of the great masters of the past. I have not come close to reading every word of even one of them.

I have not dedicated my life to reading. I’ve dedicated my life to Christ.

I’ve read every word in the bible, every word, more than twice. I have read Romans 8 in its entirety perhaps fifty times. Some verses within chapter 8 perhaps 100 times or more. That isn’t to say I haven’t learned it. That isn’t to say I do not understand it. The Lord does however bring it into memory at times when I need to be comforted in a moment because of something going on in my life.

Other passages are brought into focus from time to time because of what is going on in my life. I don’t not receive the same comfort and peace from all those great students of the bible as I do from the bible itself. Yes those works are great to understand in context how great loving, kind and gracious men of God were moved, motivated and dedicated, but I do not have a personal relationship with them.

He who inspired the writers of the bible to put to pen those original words lives in me. No other man no matter how dedicated, no matter how wise, no matter how well read can come close to touching me as the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit knows me as well as He knows the bible; that is divine nature.

One thought on “Volumes”

  1. Christ in me, the hope of glory. Colossians 1:27
    Me in Christ perfected. Colossians 1:28
    John 14:20. “On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in Me, and I am in you.”
    Your post this morning speaks “VOLUMES”. PTL!!

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