Genesis 3:10c–21 I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself… Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins, and clothed them.
Over the years I have heard many a surrender story. They vary in detail, some awesome, some meek, some that sound all too familiar to my own. As I examine each story I admit to myself, yes that would make me surrender, or lucky him/her to have forgone the pain I suffered. While each and every story was personal, they all contain the three key elements Adam expresses to God in Genesis 3:10 as stated above.
Conviction, I was afraid. This varies in wide degrees of experience and expression, from discomfort to being brought trembling to ones knees. God is willing to accept the least form of conviction if you sincerely feel it. He would prefer that, but if you need to feel it more strongly to surrender, then so be it. That’s your choice.
Confession, I was naked. Some will be quick to point out Adam might have confessed that he disobeyed God but that is a foregone conclusion. Confession really should be a statement of condition that results from performing that sin. It is more than an admission of sin, it is an awareness of how sin effected your character and is the point of restoration. What good will it do if your sin is merely forgiven and you are left with the character flaw? God is all about restoration, bringing us back to His original design.
Repentance, I hid myself. Adam revealed his location to God by speech. All too often we look at repentance as merely turning from our sins but how many of us in that moment ask God, “What is my first step back to you?” Many of us omit this step because we only confessed the offense and failed to address the change sin caused in us. Changes in character do not happen because we wish it to be that way. They require steps to be taken to develop character which is required to make you more Christ like. This is evidenced by Genesis 10:21, God providing the covering.
Every one of the surrender stories I have heard contain these three elements. Surrendering to Christ and ending the rebellion brings peace to the sinner who surrenders to righteousness. Do you have a surrender story? Share it. If you do not…..
What is it going to take to get you to surrender?