Where is Emmaus

Luke 24:33 And they rose up the same hour, and returned to Jerusalem, and found the eleven gathered together, and them that were with them,

This verse appears towards the end of the telling of the walk to Emmaus. Luke places Emmaus about seven miles from Jerusalem. Very little is known about Emmaus except in its relationship to Jerusalem. If you look for clarity in the writings of others about Emmaus and why these men might have set out for Emmaus, the issues of where Emmaus was get more confusing.

The historian Josephus states that the name means hot springs. There are no hot springs to be found within seven miles of ancient Jerusalem. There are remains of a Roman bath, but is it likely that these disciples would be going there? Then there are those that lay claim it is the site of the Maccabean stronghold. Any of these can be claimed to be candidates for the location of Emmaus. But to what end?

The fact that the location and purpose for Emmaus is unknown is significant to our personal story in that we all travel a different road, with different destinations in mind, when we come to know the Risen Lord. What is important is that the encounter turned these men around and they went back to Jerusalem.

Here is the picture of repentance, a turning around from your life course and heading back towards God. We do not often make reference to this turning in the telling of the Emmaus story. The story is replete in the amount of lessons that can be seen in conversations, communion and discipleship. I would be remiss if I were not to point out that without a course correction none of that holds any value in your life.

Philippians 3:12 Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.

One thought on “Where is Emmaus”

  1. Excellent post this morning, brother. I remember Harry Hayhoe constantly reminding us…”repentance is no savior, but there is no salvation without it.”
    I love your take on “Emmaus”…..a side that I have missed. Thank you for your word on this….one to put deep in my heart and memory.

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