Which Jesus

Luke 24:16 But their eyes were holden that they should not know him.

Perhaps for the sake of this devotional perhaps the CEV would be better than the KJV.

But they did not know who he was. CEV

These two men, on their walk to Emmaus, encountered Jesus. They were disciples of Christ. They had met Him, they had talked with Him, they had seen Him die. But they had not until this moment seen Him resurrected.

All that they had seen and heard and believed was great and miraculous, but nothing in all of scripture is  as telling as this moment with these two men. While they knew, followed and loved Jesus Christ, they met and came to know the Risen Christ.

Philippians 3:10 That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;

For all the miracles, healings, truth, wisdom and examples which Jesus did in His three year ministry, were meaningless and powerless to change anyone’s life without His death and resurrection. If Jesus was not resurrected we are all lost. Thank God He was and thank God that these two men, on their walk to Emmaus, showed us that it is not the life of Christ that makes the difference, but the Risen Lord which has power to conform us into His present condition and not His past condition.

Which Jesus do you want to be, the one who walked in perfection, or the one who sits upon the throne?

Here is a hint, we already blew the opportunity to walk in perfection.

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