1 Corinthians 13:12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
A friend died yesterday. I would like to make this devotional about just one aspect of this man. No one thing can identify the sum of a man’s life, certainly not this man. He was not family, so I cannot touch on that, but he was my brother in Christ and that had great value. I can speak to that.
I need more men like Phil in my life. He challenged me and I challenged him right back. Men who do not like to be challenged need men in their lives that do challenge them. It keeps us honest and fervent in our beliefs.
Phil loved prophesy and wanted to see some of those thing come about before he left this world. His most fervent hope he did not get to see. It was his hope to see the temple of Ezekiel built. He was right, that temple with all its magnificent details has not been built. He did not much care for my opinion that it will never be built. We sat and talked at length over our differences about that one issue. I have few to friends left to do this with. This I will miss.
Phil now knows fully well while I am left wondering in part. I rest assured of Phil’s place, while he is lost to me, he is not lost, he is home. I envision a knowing smile on his face as he gets to have all his questions answered in perfection. So I will leave you with the great truth he left me with in our debate of the Ezekiel temple. In this one thing I agree with Phil.
“If they don’t build it, it will be a waste of some really beautiful scripture.”