Love Believes

1 Corinthians 13:7b Love believes all things

This is a tough one. When I read it for the first time I just couldn’t understand how this could be true. Then I caught my two young daughters in a cat fight. As I pulled them apart the excuses for their behavior started coming out. Then I understood what God meant.

I sincerely believed that each of them believed whole heartedly in what they were saying. The whole truth wasn’t coming out, they were bitter and angry, but I believed both of them were sincere. My love for them looked past the words and actions and found no fault in either of them.

Would I prefer that they were loving and kind with one another? Yes. The family dynamic is more complicated than that. I could only love them both and pray that my love would be enough to heal the wounds. You do what you have to do in the moment to end the hostilities but you have to love them both equally or one will be treated unfairly and love doesn’t play favorites.

What about the world? It isn’t much different really. Everyone has a reason for what they say and do. Believe that they have a reason that drives their words and actions. Try and get past the obvious and get down to the motivations of the heart. That is where the wounds are, that is where love can touch a life.

Just remember that you cannot solve every problem only love can heal those wounds. Pray for them and treat them as God would.

Proverbs 15:1 A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.


1 Corinthians 13:7a Love bears all things,

I knew a 19 year old who lost his battle with cancer. When he got the final news that the surgery removing his arm and the chemo had not turned the tide on his cancer, he lost hope for himself.

He spent his last days that he could walk returning to the hospital treatment center encouraging the cancer patients there not to give up just because he lost his battle. Such love had he for his fellow patients than he could not allow his battle to discourage others.

Only the love of God working inside a person could hold up under that kind of news.

A dear friend called to check and see if I was OK in a flood that had him stranded on his roof waiting for a rescue. He acted as if all was fine. Only the love of God working inside a person acts like that.

Countless times we go to a hospital to comfort a patient only to be comforted by them. Only the love of God working inside a person acts like that.

The love of God does not fade or change just because we go thru tough times.

I complain because the internet goes down, not because I need it, but because I cannot send out my devotionals to serve God. It’s not the end of the world, even if I make it sound horrible.

In the end it is about the condition of your heart and whether you allow your circumstances to overshadow the love that resides there.

John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.