Ephesians 1:13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,
If you read your bible on line with applications such as biblegateway, you might not see the italics associated with the word trusted. Most of us who have studied the Word with any kind of detail understand the use of italics indicates words added which were not in the original manuscripts.
The use of italic words was meant to bring clarity to a subject which is difficult to translate from one language to another. Here the translators felt it was necessary to interject trust as an import element of this verse. So why isn’t “after that ye” also italicized?
Two times these three words were used to translate from akouo and piteuo, hearing and believing respectively.
The first “after that” used involves a complex issue upon which generations upon generations have struggled with a proper understanding. That is the issue of being given ears to hear. The primary definition of akouo is “endowed with the ability to hear”. After that indicates the order, that you must first trust in the Lord in order to be given ears to hear logos, His spoken Word.
The same can be said of piteuo. Only after you believe are you saved by the gospel and then and only then are we “sealed” by the Holy Spirit.
Do you need to know all this to be saved? Probably not, but I think that it is important that we understand the order in which God presents Himself. The use of “after that” is just as important as the italicized “trusted”. God is a God of order and if we get the order right, we will receive the blessing which comes along with not skipping steps or leaving important issues undone.