Joshua 24:25 So Joshua made a covenant with the people that day, and set them a statute and an ordinance in Shechem.
Yesterday I said I had complicated don’t. God said don’t and Adam did. It is as simple as that. At what point do we have to understand motivations, thinking, communications, emotions or external influences to substitute obedience with personal judgment? The issue came down to disobedience and nothing else. Why wasn’t God’s judgment sufficient?
Here in 24:25 the people have just told Joshua that they would obey the word of God. Joshua now sets a covenant, statutes and ordinances before his people. Why wasn’t obedience to God’s word enough?
Joshua is demonstrating the inherent nature of creating complexity and it seems to be prevalent in all of us to some degree or another.
My simple answer, as simple as I can make it for general understanding is this; Adam and Eve walked with God in the Garden, in close personal relationship, without the written word I rely on so heavily. In His presence is a complex concept upon which I rely on His written Word to achieve. Apart from it, I have no experience upon which I can trust myself. Without His Word I am vanity run amok.
I didn’t always have God’s written Word to guide me. There was a time I was ignorant of His Word. There was however an inane desire to complicate things and it manifested itself at an early age. We have said it and we have heard it and we have all had to deal with it. Why? Why? Why?
Immaturity questions maturity because it lacks understanding. Now that I am mature I have the ability to examine my own lack of understanding. What was it I did not understand then, that I have come to understand now with this God given maturity?