
We left off yesterday with the poor imagery of choking on what a pastor might say to some who have not matured enough to digest the spiritual word being given in the sermon. This is the International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia’s comment on choking.

Figurative: It is used in the sense of “to strangle” “smother,” “suffocate,” as if by depriving of breath, in describing the fate of the young grain growing in the midst of thorns (Matthew 13:7). The figurative is carried a little farther still in describing the way the word, planted in the heart, is overcome by the care of the world, and the deceitfulness of riches (Matthew 13:22).

Key in our understanding is the issue of the breath of God is being deprived which in this case is the Holy Spirit being withheld for that individual.

Let us be patient with those that choke on the Word, it is not within their control.

Romans 12:10-11 English Standard Version

10 Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. 11 Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord.

The fact that we even notice may be a sign from God to render aid.

One line of Romans 12:10 is stricken out but not omitted. We honor one another by loving one another but this is not a competition. We do what we can because we can.

I understand this is not something we talk about often. Just because it is uncomfortable does not mean we should withhold a word that might help, even if it is only one person one time in our lives.

Situational awareness is also the purview of God.


1 Corinthians 12:4-7 English Standard Version

Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.

Being a pastor today may well be the most difficult ministry in our present churches. What is expected of them, why they are hired, often goes far beyond the primary duties of a defined pastor. A defined pastor is one who feeds the sheep. That is their primary responsibility.

Before we expand on what else we ask of pastors, let us examine this primary role and what that has to accomplish for the common good. That means everyone, 8 to 80, newborns and mature believers.

What is fed to babies is digestible for everyone. The milk of the word will help babies grow but others might need something else to eschew. Some babes need not have that presented to them.

So let us dismiss a group of young people to Sunday school where each one will be ministered to according to their maturity. Who is left in the congregation to be fed by the pastor? We must remember that physical age and kingdom age are two very different things. Now this pastor has to develop food to feed both the older newborns and those with a matured digestive system. That is no easy task.

Spiritual digestion of what is fed takes on different manifestations of the spirit for each listener. That is determined by the will of God according to His knowledge of the needs of each individual. The mature in Christ might find that much of what they feed on goes right through them undigested adding no sustenance until they receive the meat needed for their growth.

Some might choke on what they are fed.