
Hebrews 10:25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

I am presenting this verse in the King James Version but I looked at all the English translations. I found some translations capitalized the word Day. Some offered what that day might be; Christ’s return, the Day of the Lord, which are vague also as to what you might consider what those days mean, or when they will come.

I won’t be so bold as to offer up what “the day” means to you. Consider first that Paul wrote these words nearly two thousand years ago, to a people who are long dead. Where is this sense of urgency which Paul was trying to impart? If we look to what others say about the meaning of “the day” we can look to the scriptures to help define our sense of urgency.

Given that the word is given to all of us and we all are at different stages of maturity, growth, experience, and callings, isn’t the meaning different for each of us? That is the wonderful part about the word to be able to impart help to the reader as we change and our senses are further exercised. It means this to you today. It may mean something else to you tomorrow. What hasn’t changed once in all those years from its writing until your reading is the gathering together. The community of believers who love you, who live with you, who share everything you are going through today; that support system hasn’t changed even if the people in it have gone on and been replaced.

It doesn’t matter what you think “the day” is, we are here for you TODAY.

3 thoughts on “Today”

  1. Great post! It reminded me that the Word of God is living and powerful, that it is fresh for today, and that it is written to, and for ME. Your post ties in with Fred’s LIFElines’ post on the 14th—“we are part of something bigger”–what a wonderful thing, that WHOLE Body of Christ, designed to work and function together to GROW into that Holy Temple in the Lord. Ephesians 2:21. We are in this together TODAY!! YESTERDAY is past, and TOMORROW never comes, so we are exhorted to “redeem the time”. Our Lord Jesus Christ is building HIS church–we are part of it and the “building part” may soon cease. All this is for HIS glory!!!

  2. Have you explored the phrases, “the Day (the day)”, “the day of the Lord”? The verse from Hebrews sounds like a warning. See what you get from checking it out.

    1. I know what the spiritual context is, but given that my audience varies in age and maturity, rather than tell them what to think, I let the Holy Spirit relate to them where they are today. The important part really is the gathering together, the reasons vary but as long as we come together, love one another and support one another, then today is the day that counts.

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