Ezra 7:22 You may give him up to 7,500 pounds of silver, 100 measures of wheat, 600 gallons of wine, 600 gallons of olive oil, and as much salt as he needs. (GW)
I use the God’s Word version here for some clarity of measured limits. We are a little more familiar with pounds and gallons than the ancient measures. Other versions indicate unlimited salt. Limitless.
Now this is the command of King Artaxerxes in as much as how far he was willing to go to satisfy the needs of God. He was after all the ruler of the world at that time. Needless to say he did not place much value on salt because there was so much available that any amount was not considered of any great worth.
Matthew 5:13a Ye are the salt of the earth:
Does this mean that we have no value to God? No not at all. God knows the value of seasoning and that salt brings out the best taste in things. More importantly is the issue of the ruler of the world agreeing that God can have us without measure because he does not value us.
In Satan’s kingdom, dead things, salt as no value. Salt cannot spice up or bring out the better taste of things that have already been consumed. One needs to be born again in order to spice things up.
Salt in a living being is required on the cellular level to transmit glucose thru cells, to absorb water into cells, and to transmit electric impulses because it contains ions. Living things need salt. In the same manner in Kingdom living we are required to act as salt within the body of Christ. We have value in Christ.
Please note its importance as it is placed in scripture as the first thing mentioned after the beatitudes in Matthew 5. That alone should indicate just how import we are to God.