Now What

Acts 15:28 For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things;

Many heard the resurrection story yesterday. Some might have received Christ. Others might have witnessed their salvation. Praise God. What’s next? I say this earnestly because upon my baptism I was left alone to flounder. I was immediately given responsibility as if I had authority and I failed.

This message is directed to those of us that have witnessed new salvation. Freedom from sin should not be met with burdensome regulations. Give them only that which is necessary as to maintain a healthy relationship with their Savior. Disciple them as new babes in Christ. Do not lay upon them the expectations of the hope that lays upon you. We did not reach maturity overnight and while they are standing on Solid Rock, they stand upon shaky legs.

Surround them with love and prayer. The enemy just discovered he lost one of his and wants to play the spoiler. That is all Satan has for them now. We need to stand watch over them until they learn how to defend themselves. Help them put on the breastplate first. Always guard the heart.

Acts 15:36b Let us go again and visit our brethren in every city where we have preached the word of the Lord, and see how they do.

Check in regularly to see how they are doing.

One thought on “Now What”

  1. Bingo! Spot on, my brother. I especially appreciate the “Solid Rock – shaky legs” for so it is. Bless you!

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