Psalm 46:1 English Standard Version (ESV) God is our refuge and strength, a very present[well proven] help in trouble.
Psalm 46 speaks to the larger calamities of life on a global scale. Towards the end of this psalm is the very notable quote “Be still, and know I am God.”
It seems like every generation has its global concerns. History for the last one hundred years has taught us how easy it is for death and destruction on foreign shores to infect our own. There is no peace in isolation any longer. This devotional is not about that. It is more personal.
God has proven Himself to be everything He has promised. He is present, in the moment, and nothing we do changes how He loves us. What we do does however affect how we feel about ourselves. Seeing God in His strength reminds me of my own weakness and just how much I rely on Him.
There was a time about sixteen years ago when a wrong had been committed and I went to the Lord in prayer over it. His answer was “You can handle this.” There are things that God knows we can do for ourselves but He loves the fact that we get Him involved.
It seems that I am about to embark on another journey of discovery about what I can handle on my own if it is God’s will. At the Men’s Fraternity Saturday I sat and watched others talking and interacting and enjoying fellowship with one another. Most of the men I did not know. I am out of practice in group settings where I am the stranger. Out of practice does not mean I cannot introduce myself and find a place in a new setting. I can do this. I am just out of practice.
I anticipate a move and with it an opportunity to allow God to prove Himself once again in me.
We got this.