What Name

Leviticus 24:16 Whoever blasphemes the name of the Lord shall surely be put to death. All the congregation shall stone him. The sojourner as well as the native, when he blasphemes the Name, shall be put to death.

I won’t bother to ask how many of my readers use the active X link to pull up this quote. It may be that they found it on a platform that does not allow links or they may not have recognized that it was an active link.

Then there will be a small group that already knows what Leviicus 24:16 says. Those may be serious students of the bible or perhaps even teachers.

Everyone is welcome to ask why I did not include the text along with the link. I welcome questions. Please ask, please!!!

Questions lead to conversations that allow teachers to comprehend the level of understanding a subject matter for their students have on the subject. It is also a fair gauge of intellect.

We live in the church age and believe in our Lord Jesus Christ. At least I hope we all do but this article, like all my articles go out through multiple media platforms, emails only being one of them.

I do not expect everyone to understand my reasoning, but I do not want anyone to take what I say for granted. Validate anything or everything I say. Questions are welcome.

I ask my teacher of teachers questions all the time.

Here is one and I think it is important. If a sojourner blasphemes “the Name” wouldn’t it be fair to that stranger to discover what “that Name” is and why it is such a protected name? Did they actually know why they were being put to death? That doesn’t sound like justice.

Then again, we live in a system that says we have the right to hear the charges against us and face our accuser in court. Those rights are only applicable to U.S. Bill of Rights. Other countries will have their own laws.

We live in a time of grace that is available to us through our faith in Jesus Christ.

Who among us do not believe and what is their understanding? What is offensive to them that is considered worthy of death?

Our teachers cannot cover every aspect of biblical implications. They cannot help us with those things that bother us if we do not ask. The classroom is the place to ask before we are tested by God. Deuteronomy 13:3

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