Born Again

John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

Time and time again I hear people in bible study say “How can I hear God?” I have to ask myself two questions. 1 Is this person born again? 2 Why is person looking to the world to hear God? I ask myself, grace does not accuse. How can I now find words to express insight without judgment?

When you are born of woman, you do not know the language into which you are born? Understanding of language will come later, the new born has no knowledge of speech, to understand or to speak. So why would a born again, babe in Christ expect to understand the language of the kingdom into which they have just been delivered?

Kingdom language is not the same as world language yet somehow some of us expect to hear God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit in the language of its worldly birth. This is error in understanding. So how do we come to hear God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit?

When you were born, did you bond with your mother? If you are a parent, you understand what I mean. When they placed by children in my arms, I loved them and that love showed in a non-verbal manner. I know, because I am their father, that they bonded with me, and love in the purest form was returned to me, by these babies. It was non-verbal, but I knew love, given and received.

This total dependent child knew nothing about me except that I loved them and did not understand one word that I spoke. Such is the kingdom in that the language of love is exchanged before words. The words will come if you will love your God with all your heart.

One thought on “Born Again”

  1. Thank you, dear brother, for your heart warming message this morning. This reminded of the apostle John in John 13 with his head on Jesus’s bosom and the question had been asked who would betray Jesus.
    John’s answer was one of confident love in communion with his Lord………John was just a teenager at the time.
    Thank You Lord Jesus, that when I am weak, or strong, discouraged, or “on top of it”, I can lay my head on Your bosom and hear You speak to me. I love You with ALL my heart!!

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