
1 Corinthians 13:12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

Yesterday I implied that everything we think we know needs to be clarified. I know that my perceptions are colored by my experiences and emotions. There is always a deeper truth that I cannot perceive with my eyes and ears nor even my heart. This concept of knowing the truth perfectly is beyond our comprehension because we are not yet perfected.

When I think about knowing all things with the clarity of truth that reveals the thoughts, intentions and actions of everyone that ever lived including their failure to comprehend correctly, one quote comes to mind. “You can’t handle the truth.” Colonel Jessup, A Few Good Men. We know in part because in our imperfect state we really cannot handle all the truth.

If I were to know exactly how my words and actions were to affect another person, I would probably not do or say anything ever again. I am not emotionally equipped to deal with those consequences. Our knowing in part allows us to act out of a place of best intentions. We take what we know and try and apply it to any given circumstance. Hopefully we are acting out of love and not any of the darker emotions we possess.

To know all things in the same manner God knows us is beyond my imagination and I have a vivid imagination. Everything I have been taught and discovered on my own tells me I am not equipped to handle all truth. I have a difficult time accepting those things I have done and feel.

Clarity comes when I see that Jesus came to save me from myself. I only know for a fact those things which He has revealed to me. Everything else is flawed perception.

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