Job 5:12 He disappointeth the devices of the crafty, so that their hands cannot perform their enterprise.
How do you handle disappointment?
Pick an answer.
1 My resolve becomes stronger.
2 I feel rejected.
3 I eat.
4 I try and figure out what went wrong.
Each answer I have listed has a source driven by a character trait. This isn’t a complete list. If your answer isn’t included, then look to your own character and find an answer.
1 Pride If your first instinct is to get what you want regardless of circumstances, pride is involved.
2 Lonely, you might not have a fulfilling relationship.
3 Dissatisfied. Eating is just one of the ways we try and compensate for disappointment. It is not the only one, and some other reactions are much more harmful. They center around trying to satisfy self..
4 Insecurity. “I must have done something wrong.” That is the voice of insecurity.
So what is my solution?
Look first to the source of your expectations. Disappointment is the result of unfulfilled expectations. I would even go so far as to ask you if your expectations are realistic. Very often our circumstances drive us to desire a solution which is the easy way out. In fact it does not matter if the source is born of the flesh or born of the will of God. The end result is the same for those who believe.
Romans 5:3-5 tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.
These things happen to us to reveal our old character and to build new character in us.