
Acts 2:1-2 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.

The apostles gathered together in one place, but even more importantly they were all in one accord. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of the unity of the spirit. We gather every Sunday in one place, but are we of one accord?

I have witnessed on more than one occasion powerful moves of the Holy Spirit when believes find unity of purpose in gathering together. The smaller the group the easier it is to find accord. The larger the group in accord, the more noticeable the movement of the Holy Spirit.

A million Christian men were in accord in Washington D.C. at Standing in the Gap. The one thing noted most in hearing tales of the event was the mighty rushing wind. The quality and character of the wind, its power to bring peace and calm to those who needed it. A visible sign of the movement of the power was seen by those who needed it. It circle about the mall on all side, but in the center, peace and calm.

I’ve seen healings and salvation during worship went church members found accord. If we can be of one accord, setting our minds and wills upon God and not ourselves, it allows the Holy Spirit to move outward seeks God’s will with power rather than keeping Him to ourselves.

Of all the reasons to gather, the greatest might well be to find accord.

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