Not Me

Hebrews 5:12 For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the basic principles of the oracles of God. You need milk, not solid food,

The title of this post is “Not Me” because I am not a teacher. At least I do not see myself in those terms. Let me explain.

My dearest friend, a true teacher in every sense, asked me to take over shepherding our life group.. I chose to study Ephesians. I am not sure but that study might have been better served by addressing one chapter a week. It took me a year.

I used my spiritual gift to lead me through that year. That gift was not teaching. At one point the sweetest woman I know said kindly to me “You get more out of one word than anyone I know.”

She was right. I once produced a 500 word essay on the first word in Genesis, “In”. The bible cannot be taught one word at a time. Granted some words do require some explaining but not all of them.

Can a service gift be granted by God to any one of His servants? Given that God can do anything, I cannot deny God’s right to do as He pleases. How would we know if a new gift is granted that we had not seen ourselves?

Others will recognize it, see a need for it, and make room for it in our meetings.

At this point I remind myself that blogging is not a meeting place.

In posting this idea, I am sharing my experiences with everyone. Not every spiritual gift fits every occasion. They have a place and a purpose and should not be used inappropriately.

I discovered my gift was best used by listening and not in being the center of attention.

I share what I hear.

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