Ecclesiastes 1:9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
Perhaps the most overused word in all of advertising is the word new. The implication is that it is better. It also implies it hasn’t been abused by anyone else. In this modern disposable world new has taken on power to influence desire. Believe me, that is nothing new.
Our modern manufacturing techniques have driven us to the point of refining perfection that certain technologies seem to be obsolete even before they find their way to the sales shelf.
All we have done is improve the ways in which we inspire desire. While the price of televisions is dropping from year to year, the telephone is increasing. Smart phones now cost a thousand dollars new. Why? Because they are more desired and integrated into the life of the user.
I had a dream about a woman running me off the road while texting. I yelled at her and she waved me off as if to yes, “Let me finish this text.”
The more our desires drive us to distraction the less import people become in our lives. Even commercials on television have made fun of people sitting around the dinner table texting one another to pass the butter. It sounds funny and we do see the irony in a technology that was meant to bring us closer, divides us.
The thing here that is not new, that has been this same way since sin began, is that desire dehumanizes us and makes us insensitive to the people we should love.
Original sin cause separation and it hasn’t stopped ruining relationship since it began.
What are you paying attention to today?
Very good! So sad, but true. Thanks.